Train Value of Compound Gear Train given product of Teeth on Driven and Driver Gear evaluator uses Train Value = Product of Number of Teeth on Drivers/Product of Number of Teeth on Driven to evaluate the Train Value, Train Value of Compound Gear Train given product of Teeth on Driven and Driver Gear, can be determined using the product of the number of teeth on the driver and driven gears across all stages of the gear train. Train Value is denoted by Tv symbol.
How to evaluate Train Value of Compound Gear Train given product of Teeth on Driven and Driver Gear using this online evaluator? To use this online evaluator for Train Value of Compound Gear Train given product of Teeth on Driven and Driver Gear, enter Product of Number of Teeth on Drivers (P'd) & Product of Number of Teeth on Driven (Pd) and hit the calculate button.