Total Hoop Stress
The Total Hoop Stress in the Shell formula is defined as is the stress around the circumference of the shell due to a pressure gradient.
Symbol: fcs
Measurement: StressUnit: N/mm²
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Design Pressure Shell
Design Pressure Shell refers to the maximum allowable pressure that the shell can withstand without experiencing permanent deformation or failure.
Symbol: pshell
Measurement: PressureUnit: N/mm²
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Internal Diameter of Shell
Internal Diameter of Shell is a measurement of the distance of a straight line from one point on the inner wall of the object, through its center, to an opposite point also on the inside.
Symbol: Di
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Shell Thickness
Shell thickness is the the distance through the shell.
Symbol: t
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Joint Efficiency for Shell
Joint Efficiency for Shell refers to the effectiveness of the joint between two adjacent sections of a cylindrical shell, such as in a pressure vessel or a storage tank.
Symbol: J
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Design Jacket Pressure
Design Jacket Pressure refers to a type of pressure vessel designed to withstand high pressures and temperatures, typically used for containing gases or liquids under extreme conditions.
Symbol: pj
Measurement: PressureUnit: N/mm²
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Internal Diameter of Half Coil
Internal Diameter of Half Coil is a measurement of the distance of a straight line from one point on the inner wall of the object, through its center, to an opposite point also on the inside.
Symbol: di
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Thickness of Half Coil Jacket
Thickness of Half Coil Jacket can be determined by considering the heat transfer coefficient, the surface area of the coil, and the temperature difference.
Symbol: tcoil
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Weld Joint Efficiency Factor for Coil
Weld Joint Efficiency Factor for Coil is a measure of the strength of the weld relative to the strength of the base metal.
Symbol: Jcoil
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.