Priority Sum of Objectives to be Maximized (%)
Priority Sum of Objectives to be Maximized (%) is sum of all priority of objectives in all type of aircrafts mostly Flight quality, Performance, Stealth factors, etc. Taken in percentage.
Symbol: Pmax
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be between 0 to 100.
Performance Priority (%)
Performance Priority (%) is a factor which shows the priority of performance objective on a percentage scale. It is oriented according to the user's definition of priorities.
Symbol: Pp
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be between 0 to 100.
Flight Quality Priority (%)
Flight Quality Priority (%) is a factor that shows the priority of quality of flight objective on a percentage scale. It is oriented according to the user's definition of priorities.
Symbol: Pf
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be between 0 to 100.
Scariness Priority (%)
Scariness Priority (%) is a factor which shows the priority of appearance objective on a percentage scale. It is oriented according to the user's definition of priorities.
Symbol: Pb
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be between 0 to 100.
Maintainability Priority (%)
Maintainability Priority (%) is a factor which shows the priority of Maintainability objective on a percentage scale. It is oriented according to the user's definition of priorities.
Symbol: Pm
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be between 0 to 100.
Producibility Priority (%)
Producibility Priority (%) is a factor which shows the priority of producibility priority (%) objective on a percentage scale. It is oriented according to the user's definition of priorities.
Symbol: Pr
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be between 0 to 100.
Disposability Priority (%)
Disposability Priority (%) is a factor that shows the priority of the disposability priority objective on a percentage scale. It is oriented according to the user's definition of priorities.
Symbol: Pd
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be between 0 to 100.
Stealth Priority (%)
Stealth Priority (%) is a factor which shows the priority of Stealth objective on a percentage scale. It is oriented according to the user's definition of priorities.
Symbol: Ps
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be between 0 to 100.