Stress in Extreme Compression Surface
Stress in Extreme Compression Surface is a measure of stress at extreme compression fiber.
Symbol: fec
Measurement: PressureUnit: MPa
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Moment Resistance in Compression
Moment Resistance in Compression is the moment by internal forces in a beam under compressive state.
Symbol: MR
Measurement: Moment of ForceUnit: N*m
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Constant j
Constant j is the ratio of the distance between the centroid of compression and the centroid of tension to depth d.
Symbol: j
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Width of Beam
Width of Beam is the horizontal measurement taken perpendicular to the length of beam.
Symbol: Wb
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Distance to Centroid of Tensile Steel
The Distance to Centroid of Tensile Steel is the distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement.
Symbol: d
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Constant k
Constant k is the ratio of the depth of compression area to depth d.
Symbol: K
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Modular Ratio for Elastic Shortening
Modular Ratio for Elastic Shortening is the ratio of the elastic modulus of a particular material in a cross-section to the elastic modulus of the “base” or the reference material.
Symbol: mElastic
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Value of ρ'
The Value of ρ' is the steel ratio of compression reinforcement.
Symbol: ρ'
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Distance to Centroid of Compressive Steel
The Distance to Centroid of Compressive steel is the distance from extreme compression surface to the centroid of compression reinforcement.
Symbol: D
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value can be positive or negative.