Specific Heat of Air
Specific heat of air is the heat required to raise the temperature of a air by one degree to that required to raise the temperature of an equal mass of water one degree.
Symbol: cp
Measurement: Specific Heat CapacityUnit: J/(kg*K)
Note: Value can be positive or negative.
Enthalpy of Evaporation
Enthalpy of evaporation is the amount of energy (enthalpy) that must be added to a liquid substance to transform a quantity of that substance into a gas.
Symbol: hfg
Measurement: Specific EntropyUnit: J/kg*K
Note: Value can be positive or negative.
Partial Pressure
Partial pressure of the water vapor at wet bulb temperature.
Symbol: Pw
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value can be positive or negative.
Partial Pressure in air
Partial pressure in air of the water vapor is the pressure of water in the mixture of water and air.
Symbol: P∞
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Gas constant
Gas constant is the value of gas constant of water vapour.
Symbol: Rw
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value can be positive or negative.
The Density of a material shows the denseness of that material in a specific given area. This is taken as mass per unit volume of a given object.
Symbol: ρ
Measurement: DensityUnit: kg/m³
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Air Temperature
Air temperature is the temperature of the air surrounding an individual and is typically measured in degrees Celsius (°C) or in Kelvin.
Symbol: T∞
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value can be positive or negative.
Wet Bulb Temperature
Wet Bulb Temperature is the temperature of the wet bulb and denoted by the symbol Tw.
Symbol: Tw
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value can be positive or negative.
Mean Temperature
Mean temperature is the mean value of all the observed temperatures.
Symbol: Tf
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value can be positive or negative.
Lewis Number
The Lewis Number is a dimensionless number defined as the ratio of thermal diffusivity to mass diffusivity.
Symbol: Le
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value can be positive or negative.