Specific Attenuation in Clouds or Fogs evaluator uses Specific Attenuation due to Clouds = (Total Content of Liquid Water*Specific Attenuation Coefficient)/sin(Angle of Elevation) to evaluate the Specific Attenuation due to Clouds, The Specific Attenuation in Clouds or Fogs formula is defined as for a given probability value, it is necessary to know the statistics of the total content of liquid water L in contained in a column or equivalently, the total content of precipitable water for a given site. Specific Attenuation due to Clouds is denoted by Ac symbol.
How to evaluate Specific Attenuation in Clouds or Fogs using this online evaluator? To use this online evaluator for Specific Attenuation in Clouds or Fogs, enter Total Content of Liquid Water (L), Specific Attenuation Coefficient (b) & Angle of Elevation (∠θel) and hit the calculate button.