Saturation Voltage of IGBT evaluator uses Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage (IGBT) = Base Emitter Voltage PNP IGBT+Drain Current (IGBT)*(Conductivity Resistance IGBT+N Channel Resistance (IGBT)) to evaluate the Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage (IGBT), Saturation Voltage of IGBT is the voltage drop across the device when it is in the "on" or conducting state. This voltage drop occurs due to the IGBT's inherent characteristics and is typically lower than the voltage drop across a standard bipolar junction transistor (BJT). The saturation voltage of an IGBT is influenced by several factors, including the IGBT's current rating, temperature, and the specific model or manufacturer. Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage (IGBT) is denoted by Vc-e(sat)(igbt) symbol.
How to evaluate Saturation Voltage of IGBT using this online evaluator? To use this online evaluator for Saturation Voltage of IGBT, enter Base Emitter Voltage PNP IGBT (VB-E(pnp)(igbt)), Drain Current (IGBT) (Id(igbt)), Conductivity Resistance IGBT (Rs(igbt)) & N Channel Resistance (IGBT) (Rch(igbt)) and hit the calculate button.