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Saturation Humidity is defined as the absolute humidity of vapour-gas mixture at 100% saturation. Check FAQs
Hs - Saturation Humidity?AH - Absolute Humidity?%H - Percentage Humidity?

Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity Example

With values
With units
Only example

Here is how the Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity equation looks like with Values.

Here is how the Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity equation looks like with Units.

Here is how the Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity equation looks like.

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Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity Solution

Follow our step by step solution on how to calculate Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity?

FIRST Step Consider the formula
Next Step Substitute values of Variables
Hs=0.6kg/kg of air(10012)
Next Step Prepare to Evaluate
LAST Step Evaluate

Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity Formula Elements

Saturation Humidity
Saturation Humidity is defined as the absolute humidity of vapour-gas mixture at 100% saturation.
Symbol: Hs
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Absolute Humidity
Absolute Humidity is the actual amount of water vapor present in the air, regardless of the temperature.
Symbol: AH
Measurement: Specific HumidityUnit: kg/kg of air
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Percentage Humidity
Percentage Humidity is defined as the ratio of absolute humidity to the saturation humidity.
Symbol: %H
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.

Other Formulas to find Saturation Humidity

​Go Saturation Humidity based on Vapor Pressure

Other formulas in Basics of Humidification Process category

​Go Absolute Humidity based on Weight of Air
​Go Humid Heat based on Absolute Humidity
​Go Percentage Humidity
​Go Absolute Humidity on Basis of Molal Humidity

How to Evaluate Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity?

Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity evaluator uses Saturation Humidity = Absolute Humidity*(100/Percentage Humidity) to evaluate the Saturation Humidity, The Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity formula is defined as the amount of water vapour to be present for saturated conditions based on the Percentage and Absolute Humidity. Saturation Humidity is denoted by Hs symbol.

How to evaluate Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity using this online evaluator? To use this online evaluator for Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity, enter Absolute Humidity (AH) & Percentage Humidity (%H) and hit the calculate button.

FAQs on Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity

What is the formula to find Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity?
The formula of Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity is expressed as Saturation Humidity = Absolute Humidity*(100/Percentage Humidity). Here is an example- 1.2 = 0.6*(100/12).
How to calculate Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity?
With Absolute Humidity (AH) & Percentage Humidity (%H) we can find Saturation Humidity based on Percentage and Absolute Humidity using the formula - Saturation Humidity = Absolute Humidity*(100/Percentage Humidity).
What are the other ways to Calculate Saturation Humidity?
Here are the different ways to Calculate Saturation Humidity-
  • Saturation Humidity=(0.6207)*(Vapour Pressure of Water at DBT/(1-Vapour Pressure of Water at DBT))OpenImg