Retardation of Vehicle when Vehicle Moves on Level Track if Brakes are Applied to Front Wheels only evaluator uses Retardation of Vehicle = (Coefficient of Friction for Brake*Acceleration due to Gravity*Perpendicular Distance of C.G)/(Distance between Center of Rear and Front Wheels-Coefficient of Friction for Brake*Height of C.G. of Vehicle) to evaluate the Retardation of Vehicle, Retardation of Vehicle when Vehicle Moves on Level Track if Brakes are Applied to Front Wheels only formula is defined as the deceleration of a vehicle when brakes are applied to the front wheels only, which is affected by the braking coefficient, gravity, and the distance between the center of gravity and the point of application of the braking force. Retardation of Vehicle is denoted by a symbol.
How to evaluate Retardation of Vehicle when Vehicle Moves on Level Track if Brakes are Applied to Front Wheels only using this online evaluator? To use this online evaluator for Retardation of Vehicle when Vehicle Moves on Level Track if Brakes are Applied to Front Wheels only, enter Coefficient of Friction for Brake (μbrake), Acceleration due to Gravity (g), Perpendicular Distance of C.G (x), Distance between Center of Rear and Front Wheels (L) & Height of C.G. of Vehicle (h) and hit the calculate button.