Number of Full length Leaves
Number of Full Length Leaves is the count of leaves that have reached their maximum possible length.
Symbol: nf
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Force Applied at End of Leaf Spring
Force Applied at End of Leaf Spring is the force exerted at the end of a leaf spring with extra full length leaves, affecting its overall performance.
Symbol: P
Measurement: ForceUnit: N
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Length of Cantilever of Leaf Spring
Length of Cantilever of Leaf Spring is the distance from the fixed point to the end of the cantilever in an extra full-length leaf spring system.
Symbol: L
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Modulus of Elasticity of Spring
Modulus of Elasticity of Spring is the measure of the spring's stiffness, representing the amount of stress it can withstand without deforming.
Symbol: E
Measurement: PressureUnit: N/mm²
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Width of Leaf
Width of Leaf is defined as the width of each leaf present in a multi-leaf spring.
Symbol: b
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Thickness of Leaf
Thickness of Leaf is the measure of the distance from the top surface to the bottom surface of a leaf in extra full length leaves.
Symbol: t
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Deflection at End of Leaf Spring
Deflection at end of leaf spring is the maximum displacement of the leaf spring's end from its original position when a force is applied.
Symbol: δ
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Number of Graduated Length Leaves
Number of Graduated Length Leaves is defined as the number of graduated-length leaves including master leaf.
Symbol: ng
Measurement: NAUnit: Unitless
Note: Value should be greater than 0.