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Transition Curve Length should be such that full super elevation is attained at the end of the transition curve and applied at a suitable rate. Check FAQs
La - Transition Curve Length?RCurve - Curve Radius?

Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways Example

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With units
Only example

Here is how the Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways equation looks like with Values.

Here is how the Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways equation looks like with Units.

Here is how the Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways equation looks like.

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Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways Solution

Follow our step by step solution on how to calculate Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways?

FIRST Step Consider the formula
Next Step Substitute values of Variables
Next Step Prepare to Evaluate
Next Step Evaluate
LAST Step Rounding Answer

Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways Formula Elements

Transition Curve Length
Transition Curve Length should be such that full super elevation is attained at the end of the transition curve and applied at a suitable rate.
Symbol: La
Measurement: LengthUnit: m
Note: Value can be positive or negative.
Curve Radius
Curve Radius is the radius of a circle whose part, say, arc is taken for consideration.
Symbol: RCurve
Measurement: LengthUnit: m
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
A square root function is a function that takes a non-negative number as an input and returns the square root of the given input number.
Syntax: sqrt(Number)

Other Formulas to find Transition Curve Length

​Go Length of Transition Curve given Time Rate
​Go Length given Angle of Super Elevation
​Go Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Railways
​Go Length of Transition Curve given Shift

Other formulas in Length of Transition Curve category

​Go Time Rate given Length of Transition Curve
​Go Rate of Change of Radial Acceleration
​Go Time Taken given Radial Acceleration
​Go Shift of Curve

How to Evaluate Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways?

Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways evaluator uses Transition Curve Length = 12.80*sqrt(Curve Radius) to evaluate the Transition Curve Length, The Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways formula is defined as the length at which the full superelevation is reached. The rate of change of acceleration for comfort conditions is generally taken as 0.3 m/s^2 per 1 second. Transition Curve Length is denoted by La symbol.

How to evaluate Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways using this online evaluator? To use this online evaluator for Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways, enter Curve Radius (RCurve) and hit the calculate button.

FAQs on Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways

What is the formula to find Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways?
The formula of Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways is expressed as Transition Curve Length = 12.80*sqrt(Curve Radius). Here is an example- 181.0193 = 12.80*sqrt(200).
How to calculate Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways?
With Curve Radius (RCurve) we can find Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways using the formula - Transition Curve Length = 12.80*sqrt(Curve Radius). This formula also uses Square Root (sqrt) function(s).
What are the other ways to Calculate Transition Curve Length?
Here are the different ways to Calculate Transition Curve Length-
  • Transition Curve Length=Railway Gauge*Vehicle Velocity^3/(Super Elevation Time Rate*Acceleration due to Gravity*Curve Radius)OpenImg
  • Transition Curve Length=(Acceleration due to Gravity*tan(Super Elevation Angle))^1.5*sqrt(Curve Radius)/Rate of Radial AccelerationOpenImg
  • Transition Curve Length=4.52*sqrt(Curve Radius)OpenImg
Can the Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways be negative?
Yes, the Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways, measured in Length can be negative.
Which unit is used to measure Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways?
Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways is usually measured using the Meter[m] for Length. Millimeter[m], Kilometer[m], Decimeter[m] are the few other units in which Length when Comfort Condition Holds Good for Highways can be measured.