Subcooling Coefficient
Subcooling Coefficient is the heat transfer coefficient when the condensed vapor is further subcooled to lower temperature in a condenser.
Symbol: hsc
Measurement: Heat Transfer CoefficientUnit: W/m²*K
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Thermal Conductivity in Heat Exchanger
Thermal Conductivity in Heat Exchanger is the proportionality constant for the heat flux during conduction heat transfer in a heat exchanger.
Symbol: kf
Measurement: Thermal ConductivityUnit: W/(m*K)
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Fluid Density in Heat Transfer
Fluid Density in Heat Transfer is defined as the ratio of mass of given fluid with respect to the volume that it occupies.
Symbol: ρf
Measurement: DensityUnit: kg/m³
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Pipe Outer Dia
Pipe Outer Dia refers to the measurement of the outside or external diameter of a cylindrical pipe. It includes the pipe thickness into it.
Symbol: DO
Measurement: LengthUnit: mm
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Specific Heat Capacity
Specific heat capacity is the amount of energy required in order to raise the temperature of a unit mass by a unit degree in temperature.
Symbol: Cp
Measurement: Specific Heat CapacityUnit: J/(kg*K)
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Fluid Viscosity at Average Temperature
Fluid viscosity at Average Temperature in Heat Exchanger is a fundamental property of fluids that characterizes their resistance to flow in a heat exchanger.
Symbol: μ
Measurement: Dynamic ViscosityUnit: Pa*s
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Thermal Expansion Coefficient for Fluid
Thermal Expansion Coefficient for fluid is defined as change in volume of a fluid with temperature variations at constant pressure.
Symbol: β
Measurement: Thermal ExpansionUnit: K⁻¹
Note: Value should be greater than 0.
Film Temperature
Film temperature is used as an intermediate parameter to estimate the convective heat transfer coefficient in a heat exchanger.
Symbol: TFilm
Measurement: TemperatureUnit: °C
Note: Value can be positive or negative.
Bulk Fluid Temperature
Bulk Fluid Temperature is average temperature of a fluid at a particular location or within a specific volume in a fluid flow system.
Symbol: TBulk
Measurement: TemperatureUnit: °C
Note: Value can be positive or negative.