Closed Loop Positive Feedback Gain evaluator uses Gain with Feedback = Open Loop Gain of an OP-AMP/(1-(Feedback Factor*Open Loop Gain of an OP-AMP)) to evaluate the Gain with Feedback, The Closed Loop Positive Feedback Gain formula is defined as a type of feedback in a control system where the output of the system is fed back and added to the input, resulting in an amplification of the input signal. This can result in unstable behavior, such as oscillation or runaway conditions, if not properly designed or controlled. Gain with Feedback is denoted by Af symbol.
How to evaluate Closed Loop Positive Feedback Gain using this online evaluator? To use this online evaluator for Closed Loop Positive Feedback Gain, enter Open Loop Gain of an OP-AMP (Ao) & Feedback Factor (β) and hit the calculate button.