Area of X-Section using Line Losses(Two-Wire Mid-Point Earthed) evaluator uses Area of Overhead DC Wire = (Power Transmitted^2)*(Resistivity*Length of Wire DC)/(Line Losses*2*(Maximum Voltage Overhead DC^2)) to evaluate the Area of Overhead DC Wire, The Area of X-section using Line Losses(Two-Wire Mid-point Earthed) formula is defined as the space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object. The area of a figure is the number of unit squares that cover the surface of a closed figure. The area is measured in square units such as square centimeters, square feet, square inches, etc. Area of Overhead DC Wire is denoted by A symbol.
How to evaluate Area of X-Section using Line Losses(Two-Wire Mid-Point Earthed) using this online evaluator? To use this online evaluator for Area of X-Section using Line Losses(Two-Wire Mid-Point Earthed), enter Power Transmitted (P), Resistivity (ρ), Length of Wire DC (L), Line Losses (Ploss) & Maximum Voltage Overhead DC (Vm) and hit the calculate button.