Annual Precipitation in (i-2)th year given Antecedent Precipitation evaluator uses Precipitation in (i-2)th Year = (Antecedent Precipitation Index-Coefficient 'a'*Precipitation in (i)th Year-Coefficient 'b'*Precipitation in (i-1)th Year)/Coefficient 'c' to evaluate the Precipitation in (i-2)th Year, The Annual Precipitation in (i-2)th year given Antecedent Precipitation formula is defined as the i-2'th year is the total precipitation in that year is the precipitation falling before, but influencing the runoff yields of a given rainfall event. Precipitation in (i-2)th Year is denoted by P(i-2) symbol.
How to evaluate Annual Precipitation in (i-2)th year given Antecedent Precipitation using this online evaluator? To use this online evaluator for Annual Precipitation in (i-2)th year given Antecedent Precipitation, enter Antecedent Precipitation Index (Pa), Coefficient 'a' (a), Precipitation in (i)th Year (Pi), Coefficient 'b' (b), Precipitation in (i-1)th Year (P(i-1)) & Coefficient 'c' (c) and hit the calculate button.