What is the Thrust-Specific Fuel Consumption?
Thrust-Specific Fuel Consumption (TSFC) is the fuel efficiency of an engine design with respect to thrust output. Thrust-Specific Fuel Consumption is usually measured using the Kilogram per Hour per Newton for Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption. Note that the value of Thrust-Specific Fuel Consumption is always positive.
Can the Thrust-Specific Fuel Consumption be negative?
No, the Thrust-Specific Fuel Consumption, measured in Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption cannot be negative.
What unit is used to measure Thrust-Specific Fuel Consumption?
Thrust-Specific Fuel Consumption is usually measured using the Kilogram per Hour per Newton[kg/h/N] for Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption. Kilogram per Second per Newton[kg/h/N], Gram per Second per Newton[kg/h/N] are the few other units in which Thrust-Specific Fuel Consumption can be measured.