What is the TDEE For Female for Lightly Active Lifestyle?
TDEE For Female for Lightly Active Lifestyle is an estimation of how many calories you burn per day when exercise is taken into account for the lightly active lifestyle. TDEE For Female for Lightly Active Lifestyle is usually measured using the Kilocalorie per Day for BMR. Note that the value of TDEE For Female for Lightly Active Lifestyle is always negative.
Can the TDEE For Female for Lightly Active Lifestyle be negative?
Yes, the TDEE For Female for Lightly Active Lifestyle, measured in BMR can be negative.
What unit is used to measure TDEE For Female for Lightly Active Lifestyle?
TDEE For Female for Lightly Active Lifestyle is usually measured using the Kilocalorie per Day[kcal/day] for BMR. Calorie per Day[kcal/day], Joule per Second[kcal/day] are the few other units in which TDEE For Female for Lightly Active Lifestyle can be measured.