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50 Matching formulas found!

Sin (2pi+A)

The Sin (2pi+A) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of sum of 2*pi(360 degrees) and the given angle A, which shows shifting of angle A by 2*pi.


Sin (2pi-A)

The Sin (2pi-A) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of difference between 2*pi(360 degrees) and the given angle A, which shows shifting of angle -A by 2*pi.


Sin (3pi/2+A)

The Sin (3pi/2+A) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of sum of 3*pi/2(270 degrees) and the given angle A, which shows shifting of angle A by 3*pi/2.


Sin (3pi/2-A)

The Sin (3pi/2-A) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the difference between 3*pi/2(270 degrees) and the given angle A, which shows shifting of angle -A by 3*pi/2.


Sin (-A)

The Sin (-A) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of negative of the given angle A.

sin(-A)=(-sin A)

Sin (A/2)

The Sin (A/2) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of half of the given angle A.

sin(A/2)=1-cos A2

Sin (A/2) given Sides B and C and Cos (A/2)

The Sin (A/2) given Sides B and C and Cos (A/2) formula is defined as value of Sin A/2 uSing area of the triangle, the sides B & C and the trigonometric half ratio Cos A/2.


Sin (A/2) given Sides B and C and Sec (A/2)

The Sin (A/2) given Sides B and C and Sec (A/2) formula is defined as value of Sin A/2 uSing area of the triangle, the sides B & C and the trigonometric half ratio Sec A/2.


Sin (A/2) uSing Sides and Semi-Perimeter of Triangle

The Sin (A/2) uSing Sides and Semi-Perimeter of Triangle formula is defined as value of Sin A/2 uSing semi-perimeter and the sides B and C of the triangle.


Sin (A+B)

The Sin (A+B) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the sum of two given angles, angle A and angle B.

sin(A+B)=(sin Acos B)+(cos Asin B)

Sin (A+B+C)

The Sin (A+B+C) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the sum of three given angles, angle A, angle B and angle C.

sin(A+B+C)=(sin Acos Bcos C)+(cos Asin Bcos C)+(cos Acos Bsin C)-(sin Asin Bsin C)

Sin (A-B)

The Sin (A-B) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the difference between the two given angles, angle A and angle B.

sin(A-B)=(sin Acos B)-(cos Asin B)

Sin (B/2) given Sides A and C and Cos (B/2)

The Sin (B/2) given Sides A and C and Cos (B/2) formula is defined as value of Sin B/2 uSing area of the triangle, the sides A & C and the trigonometric half ratio Cos B/2.


Sin (B/2) given Sides A and C and Sec (B/2)

The Sin (B/2) given Sides A and C and Sec (B/2) formula is defined as value of Sin B/2 uSing area of the triangle, the sides A & C and the trigonometric half ratio Sec B/2.


Sin (B/2) uSing Sides and Semi-Perimeter of Triangle

The Sin (B/2) uSing Sides and Semi-Perimeter of Triangle formula is defined as the value of Sin B/2 uSing a semi-perimeter and the sides A and C of the triangle.


Sin (C/2) given Sides A and B and Cos (C/2)

The Sin (C/2) given Sides A and B and Cos (C/2) formula is defined as value of Sin C/2 uSing area of the triangle, the sides A & B and the trigonometric half ratio Cos C/2.


Sin (C/2) given Sides A and B and Sec (C/2)

The Sin (C/2) given Sides A and B and Sec (C/2) formula is defined as value of Sin C/2 uSing area of the triangle, the sides A & B and the trigonometric half ratio Sec C/2.


Sin (C/2) uSing Sides and Semi-Perimeter of Triangle

The Sin (C/2) uSing Sides and Semi-Perimeter of Triangle formula is defined as the value of Sin C/2 uSing semi-perimeter and the sides A and B of the triangle.


Sin (pi/2+A)

The Sin (pi/2+A) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of sum of pi/2(90 degrees) and the given angle A, which shows shifting of angle A by pi/2.


Sin (pi/2-A)

The Sin (pi/2-A) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of difference between pi/2(90 degrees) and the given angle A, which shows shifting of angle -A by pi/2.


Sin (pi+A)

The Sin (pi+A) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of sum of pi(180 degrees) and the given angle A, which shows shifting of angle A by pi.


Sin (pi-A)

The Sin (pi-A) formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of difference between pi(180 degrees) and the given angle A, which shows shifting of angle -A by pi.


Sin 2A

Sin 2A formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of twice the given angle A.

sin 2A=2sin Acos A

Sin 2A given Tan A

The Sin 2A given Tan A formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of twice the given angle A, and calculated uSing the value of tangent function of the given angle A.

sin 2A=2tan A1+tan A2

Sin 3A

The Sin 3A formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of thrice the given angle A.

sin 3A=(3sin A)-(4sin A3)

Sin A

The Sin A formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the given angle A.

sin A=sin(A)

Sin A - Sin B

The Sin A - Sin B formula is defined as the difference between values of trigonometric Sine functions of angle A and angle B.

sin A _ sin B=2cos(A+B2)sin(A-B2)

Sin A + Sin B

The Sin A + Sin B formula is defined as the sum of values of trigonometric Sine functions of angle A and angle B.

sin A + sin B=2sin(A+B2)cos(A-B2)

Sin A Cos B

The Sin A Cos B formula is defined as the product of values of the trigonometric Sine function of angle A and the trigonometric coSine function of angle B.

sin A cos B=sin(A+B)+sin(A-B)2

Sin A given Cos A

The Sin A given Cos A formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the angle A, calculated uSing the value of the trigonometric coSine function of angle A.

sin A=1-(cos A)2

Sin A given Cos A and Tan A

The Sin A given Cos A and Tan A formula is defined as the value of Sine of an angle in terms of coSine and tangent of that angle.

sin A=cos Atan A

Sin A given Cosec A

The Sin A given Cosec A formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of angle A, calculated uSing the value of the trigonometric cosecant function of angle A.

sin A=1cosec A

Sin A given Cot A

The Sin A given Cot A formula is defined as the value of Sine of an angle in terms of cotangent of that angle.

sin A=11+cot A2

Sin A given Sin B and Two Sides A and B

The Sin A given Sin B and Two Sides A and B formula is defined as the value of Sine A uSing the sides of the triangle A and B and Sine of angle B.

sin A=(SaSb)sin B

Sin A given Sin C and Two Sides A and C

The Sin A given Sin C and Two Sides A and C formula is defined as the value of Sine A uSing the sides of the triangle A and C and Sine of angle C.

sin A=(SaSc)sin C

Sin A in Terms of Angle A/2

The Sin A in Terms of Angle A/2 formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the given angle A in terms of A/2.

sin A=2sin(A/2)cos(A/2)

Sin A in Terms of Angle A/3

The Sin A in Terms of Angle A/3 formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the given angle A in terms of A/3.

sin A=3sin(A/3)-4sin(A/3)3

Sin A in Terms of Tan A/2

The Sin A in Terms of Tan A/2 formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the given angle A in terms of Tan A/2.

sin A=2tan(A/2)1+tan(A/2)2

Sin A Sin B

The Sin A Sin B formula is defined as the product of values of trigonometric Sine functions of angle A and angle B.

sin A sin B=cos(A-B)-cos(A+B)2

Sin A uSing Area and Sides B and C of Triangle

The Sin A uSing Area and Sides B and C of Triangle formula is defined as value of Sin A uSing area and the sides B and C of the triangle.

sin A=2ASbSc

Sin Alpha

The Sin Alpha formula is defined as the value of the trigonometric Sine function of the non-right angle α, that is the ratio of the opposite side of a right triangle to its hypotenuse.

sin α=SOppositeSHypotenuse

Sin B given Sin A and Two Sides A and B

The Sin B given Sin A and Two Sides A and B formula is defined as the value of Sine B uSing the sides of the triangle A and B and Sine of angle A.

sin B=(SbSa)sin A

Sin B given Sin C and two Sides B and C

The Sin B given Sin C and two Sides B and C formula is defined as the value of Sine B uSing the sides of the triangle B and C and Sine of angle C.

sin B=(SbSc)sin C

Sin B uSing Area and Sides A and C of Triangle

The Sin B uSing Area and Sides A and C of Triangle formula is defined as value of Sin A uSing area and the sides A and C of the triangle.

sin B=2ASaSc

Sin C given Sin A and Two Sides A and C

The Sin C given Sin A and Two Sides A and C formula is defined as the value of Sine C uSing the sides of the triangle A and C and Sine of angle A.

sin C=(ScSa)sin A

Sin C given Sin B and Two Sides B and C

The Sin C given Sin B and Two Sides B and C formula is defined as the value of Sine C uSing the sides of the triangle B and C and Sine of angle B.

sin C=(ScSb)sin B

Sin C uSing Area and Sides A and B of Triangle

The Sin C uSing Area and Sides A and B of Triangle formula is defined as value of Sin C uSing area and the sides A and B of the triangle.

sin C=2ASaSb

Single Component of Drain Voltage

The Single component of drain voltage is the voltage supported by the n− drift region and the p-base region with a triangular electric field distribution.


Single Component of Drain Voltage given Transconductance

The Single component of drain voltage given transconductance is the voltage supported by the n− drift region and the p-base region with a triangular electric field distribution.


Single Exponential Smoothing

Single exponential smoothing is a time series forecasting method for uni variate data without a trend or seasonality.


How to find Formulas?

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Be Specific: The more specific your query, the better your results.
Use Multiple Keywords: Combine multiple keywords to narrow down results.
Experiment with Synonyms: Different terms can yield different results.
Wildcard search: Use the * (asterisk) operator. NOTE that this operator works only at the end of a word. Example: Bio*, Area*, etc.

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