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50 Matching formulas found!

Nth Term of Geometric Progression

The Nth Term of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the term corresponding to the index or position n from the beginning of the given Geometric Progression.


Last Term of Geometric Progression

The Last Term of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the term at which the given Geometric Progression terminates.


First Term of Geometric Progression

The First Term of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the term at which the given Geometric Progression starts.


Sum of Infinite Geometric Progression

The Sum of Infinite Geometric Progression formula is defined as the summation of the terms starting from the first term to the infinite term of given Infinite Geometric Progression.


Common Ratio of Geometric Progression

The Common Ratio of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the ratio of any term in the Geometric Progression to its preceding term.


Number of Terms of Geometric Progression

The Number of Terms of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the value of n for the nth term or the position of the nth term in a Geometric Progression.


Nth Term from End of Geometric Progression

The Nth Term from End of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the term corresponding to the index or position n starting from the end of the given Geometric Progression.


Sum of Total Terms of Geometric Progression

The Sum of Total Terms of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the summation of the terms starting from the first to the last term of given Geometric Progression.


Sum of Last N Terms of Geometric Progression

The Sum of Last N Terms of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the summation of the terms starting from the end to the nth term of a given Geometric Progression.


Nth Term of Arithmetic Geometric Progression

The Nth Term of Arithmetic Geometric Progression formula defined as the term corresponding to the index or position n from the beginning in the given Arithmetic Geometric Progression.


Sum of First N Terms of Geometric Progression

The Sum of First N Terms of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the summation of the terms starting from the first to the nth term of given Geometric Progression.


Number of Total Terms of Geometric Progression

The Number of Total Terms of Geometric Progression formula is defined as the total number of terms present in the given sequence of Geometric Progression.


Sum of Infinite Arithmetic Geometric Progression

The Sum of Infinite Arithmetic Geometric Progression is the summation of the terms starting from the first term to the infinite term of given Arithmetic Geometric Progression.


Nth Term of Geometric Progression given (N-1)th Term

The Nth Term of Geometric Progression given (N-1)th Term formula is defined as the term corresponding to the index or position n from the beginning of the given Geometric Progression, and calculated using the preceding term.


Common Ratio of Geometric Progression given Nth Term

The Common Ratio of Geometric Progression given Nth Term formula is defined as the ratio of any term in the Geometric Progression to its preceding term and calculated using the nth term of Geometric Progression.


Common Ratio of Geometric Progression given Last Term

The Common Ratio of Geometric Progression given Last Term formula is defined as the ratio of any term in the Geometric Progression to its preceding term and calculated using the last term of Geometric Progression.


Sum of First N Terms of Arithmetic Geometric Progression

The Sum of First N Terms of Arithmetic Geometric Progression formula is defined as the summation of the terms starting from the first to the nth term of given Arithmetic Geometric Progression.


Sum except First N Terms of Infinite Geometric Progression

The Sum except First N Terms of Infinite Geometric Progression formula is defined as the value obtained after adding all the terms in the Infinite Geometric Progression, except first n terms.


Nth Term from End of Geometric Progression given Last Term

The Nth Term from End of Geometric Progression given Last Term formula is defined as the term corresponding to the index or position n starting from the end of the given Geometric Progression, calculated using the last term.


Geometric altitude

Geometric Altitude is a measure of the height of an object or point above the Earth's equatorial radius, calculated by subtracting the Earth's radius from the absolute altitude.


Geometric step ratio

The Geometric step ratio is a multiplier for minimum size/range of product to simply obtain next standardized size of product.


Geometric Distribution

The Geometric Distribution formula is defined as the probability of achieving the first success in a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials, where each trial has a constant probability of success.


Geometric Mean of N Numbers

The Geometric Mean of N Numbers formula is defined as the average value or mean which signifies the central tendency of the set of n numbers by finding the product of their values.


Geometric Mean of Two Numbers

Geometric Mean of Two Numbers formula is defined as the average value or mean which signifies the central tendency of the set of two numbers by finding the product of their values.


Mean of Geometric Distribution

Mean of Geometric Distribution formula is defined as the long-run arithmetic average value of a random variable that follows Geometric distribution.


Geometric Mean of Four Numbers

The Geometric Mean of Four Numbers formula is defined as the average value or mean which signifies the central tendency of the set of four numbers by finding the product of their values.


Geometric Mean of Three Numbers

Geometric Mean of Three Numbers formula is defined as the average value or mean which signifies the central tendency of the set of three numbers by finding the product of their values.


Variance in Geometric Distribution

Variance in Geometric Distribution formula is defined as the expectation of the squared deviation of the random variable associated with a statistical data following Geometric distribution, from its population mean or sample mean.


Variance of Geometric Distribution

Variance of Geometric Distribution formula is defined as the expectation of the squared deviation of the random variable that follows Geometric distribution, from its mean.


Geometric Mean of Equilibrium Line Slope

The Geometric Mean of Equilibrium Line Slope formula is defined as the mean value of the slope of equilibrium line, applicable for cases where equilibrium line is not straight.


Geometric Mean of First N Natural Numbers

The Geometric Mean of First N Natural Numbers formula is defined as the average value or mean which signifies the central tendency of the set of first n natural numbers by finding the product of their values.


Standard Deviation of Geometric Distribution

Standard Deviation of Geometric Distribution formula is defined as the square root of expectation of the squared deviation of the random variable that follows Geometric distribution, from its mean.


Earlier Census Date for Geometric Increase Method

The Earlier Census Date for Geometric Increase Method formula is defined as the value of earlier census date when we have prior information of other parameters used.


Geometric altitude for given geopotential altitude

Geometric Altitude for Given Geopotential Altitude is a measure that calculates the Geometric height of an object or point above the Earth's surface, taking into account the Earth's radius and the geopotential altitude, providing a more accurate representation of altitude.


100 percent Covalent Bond Energy as Geometric Mean

The 100 percent Covalent Bond Energy as Geometric mean is defined as the amount of energy required to break apart a mole of molecules containing pure covalent bond into its component atoms.


Mid Year Census Date for Geometric Increase Method

The Mid Year Census Date for Geometric Increase Method is defined as the value of mid year census date when we have prior information of other parameters used.


Arithmetic Mean given Geometric and Harmonic Means

Arithmetic Mean given Geometric and Harmonic Means formula is defined as the average value or mean which signifies the central tendency of the set of numbers by finding the sum of their values, and calculated using the Geometric mean and harmonic mean of them.


Geometric Mean given Arithmetic and Harmonic Means

Geometric Mean given Arithmetic and Harmonic Means formula is defined as the average value or mean which signifies the central tendency of the set of numbers by finding the product of their values, and calculated using the arithmetic mean and harmonic mean of them.


Harmonic Mean given Arithmetic and Geometric Means

Harmonic Mean given Arithmetic and Geometric Means formula is defined as the average value or mean which signifies the central tendency of the set of numbers by finding the reciprocal of their values, and calculated using the arithmetic mean and Geometric mean of them.


Population at Mid Year for Geometric Increase Method

The Population at Mid Year for Geometric Increase Method is defined as the value of population at mid year when we have prior information of other parameters used.


Proportionality Factor for Geometric Increase Method

The Proportionality Factor for Geometric Increase Method is defined as the proportionality factor when we have prior information of other parameters used.


Heat Exchange by Radiation due to Geometric Arrangement

Heat Exchange by Radiation due to Geometric Arrangement, only a fraction of the energy leaving body 1 is intercepted by body 2.


Geometric Angle of Attack given Effective Angle of Attack

The Geometric Angle of Attack given Effective Angle of Attack formula calculates the angle between the chord line of the wing and the direction of the freestream velocity.


Population at Earlier Census for Geometric Increase Method

The Population at Earlier Census for Geometric Increase Method is defined as the value of population at earlier census when we have prior information of other parameters used.


Last Census Date for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal

The Last Census Date for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal is defined as the value of last census date when we have prior information of other parameters used.


Mean of Geometric Distribution given Probability of Failure

Mean of Geometric Distribution given Probability of Failure formula is defined as the long-run arithmetic average value of a random variable that follows Geometric distribution, and calculated using the probability of failure corresponding to that Geometric random variable.


Mid Year Census Date for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal

The Mid Year Census Date for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal is defined as the value of mid year census date when we have prior information of other parameters used.


Proportionality Factor for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal

The Proportionality Factor for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal is defined as the value of proportionality factor when we have prior information of other parameters used.


Population at Mid Year for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal

The Population at Mid Year for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal formula calculates the value of population at mid year when we have prior information of other parameters used.


Population at Last Census for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal

The Population at Last Census for Geometric Increase Method Post Censal is defined as the value of population at last census date when we have prior information of other parameters used.


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Be Specific: The more specific your query, the better your results.
Use Multiple Keywords: Combine multiple keywords to narrow down results.
Experiment with Synonyms: Different terms can yield different results.
Wildcard search: Use the * (asterisk) operator. NOTE that this operator works only at the end of a word. Example: Bio*, Area*, etc.

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