What is the Quantum Capacitance of Quantum Dot?
Quantum capacitance of Quantum Dot is a fundamental quantity that can directly reveal many-body interactions among electrons and is expected to play a critical role in nanoelectronics. Quantum Capacitance of Quantum Dot is usually measured using the Farad for Capacitance. Note that the value of Quantum Capacitance of Quantum Dot is always negative.
Can the Quantum Capacitance of Quantum Dot be negative?
Yes, the Quantum Capacitance of Quantum Dot, measured in Capacitance can be negative.
What unit is used to measure Quantum Capacitance of Quantum Dot?
Quantum Capacitance of Quantum Dot is usually measured using the Farad[F] for Capacitance. Kilofarad[F], Millifarad[F], Microfarad[F] are the few other units in which Quantum Capacitance of Quantum Dot can be measured.