What is the Heat Transfer from Surface 2 to 1?
Heat Transfer from Surface 2 to 1 is the amount of heat that is transferred per unit of time in some material, usually measured in watts (joules per second). Heat Transfer from Surface 2 to 1 is usually measured using the Watt for Power. Note that the value of Heat Transfer from Surface 2 to 1 is always positive.
Can the Heat Transfer from Surface 2 to 1 be negative?
No, the Heat Transfer from Surface 2 to 1, measured in Power cannot be negative.
What unit is used to measure Heat Transfer from Surface 2 to 1?
Heat Transfer from Surface 2 to 1 is usually measured using the Watt[W] for Power. Kilowatt[W], Milliwatt[W], Microwatt[W] are the few other units in which Heat Transfer from Surface 2 to 1 can be measured.